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Monday, February 04, 2008

The Delhi Times - Part V

I had a lousy boyfriend all for myself while I was in Delhi!
He was a slimy, disgusting and greasy character who supposedly was the guy I was seeing!
First thing first, looking back to those days I still curse, ridicule and poke my brains to find out what were the reasons which made me jump into this relationship in the very first place!
He had none!
What did this guy have in him that attracted me?!
I mean he was such a terrible kisser too!!!
Anyways that’s beside the point.
More importantly this boyfriend of mine made my already hectic life all the more miserable.
He would suspect me with every male species, he would make me “gift” him things (read shirts, trousers…. All those “end of season” sale stuff), he would literally live on my expense!
All my friends directly or indirectly would advise me to snap ties with him and they said “sooner the better”… but the bastard and sucker that he was, I don’t understand how he read my mind. Every time I withdrew myself, he’d at his romantic best! He would do his best to woo me… make me feel special and wanted!
I remember once Silver & I were going back to Delhi in the North East Express and we both decided that we should make a trip to Goa to do away with the agonizing Delhi winters. As we planned the Goa trip I completely forgot about my lousy boyfriend and reality struck me only when we reached Delhi! I asked him straight, “Are you interested to go for a vacation in Goa? If you are then please get your tickets done!”
And the guy did pile on with us!
But then I truly believe in destiny….
Had it not been for him, I’d never meet Nirav with whom I fell in love left right and centre… got married and have no regrets!


  1. This is news...u met Nirav thru him? OMG!

  2. yea! I met Nirav thru him! infact the first time I met Nirav, boon and some other guys actually pulled his leg and said "What if Nirav & Nandini falls in love and gets married?"!
    Ok... boon said at least one good thing right?!
