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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Goat & the Mermaid

Mermaid: I am sorry... didn't intend to bore you with all this....
Goat: How did you come to that conclusion?

Mermaid: I just thought. Why?
Goat: Then why be sorry for something you haven't done?

Mermaid: Awright! I am taking back my words!
Goat: No need for that too.

Mermaid: Why? You are so crazy!

Goat: Just saying
Mermaid: You make me crazy rather! & I just spilled my drink!
Goat: Crazy? How? Serially......
Mermaid: Crazy as in the way you say things....not that I am complaining! I enjoy my insanity wholeheartedly!
Goat: Can't analyse now what I said. Insanity?

Mermaid: You need not. Stop being so "SERIOUS" about everything! Insanity... as in me...doing the things I like...my way...without caring what people think.
Goat: But you should care.
Mermaid: I care about people I am concerned... about people I love without a motive.
Goat: Superbly said. How did you spill your drink?
Mermaid: Its called "Serendipity"....happy accidents?
Goat: I love that word.
Mermaid: I love the movie.
Goat: 12.45.
Mermaid: Is that a good time?
Goat: You tell me.
Mermaid: I think its a good time to knock on your door!
Goat: You aroused me with your straight talk.
Mermaid: I always thought you loved straight talk.
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The Goat & the Mermaid

Mermaid: You sound so formal!

Goat: Does whiskey make me un-formal?

Mermaid: Whiskey makes everyone good!
Goat: So you're good now?
Mermaid: I am always good...sensible...and whiskey makes me interesting! Haven't you realized that?

Goat: Now I get it...

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Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Hunky -Dory

Hunk - Hi! What's up?
Dory - Hey... was busy being a love guru to a friend...
Hunk - Whokay!
Dory - Its nice to see people in love. I miss that feeling... the rush... the excitement...
Hunk - Oho! And all this while I thought you were in love with me :(
Dory - So... how sad did I make you?
Hunk - Very, I am crest fallen:(

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Man:"What would u do when I die?"

Muse :"Why did you say that"?

Man :"Oh why not"?

Muse:"What would you want me to do"?

Man: "Will you write an obituary note"?

Muse: "I could do more than that..."

Man: "And what do you intend to do"?

Muse: "Besides writing your obituary note I could carry forward all the good work you have done".

Man: "That's beautiful, thank you!"

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Monday, February 04, 2013

The Goat and the Mermaid

Mermaid : Give me a buzz when you're done!

Goat: Done with what?

Mermaid: Dinner,phone calls, emails and all the things you might be occupied with!

Goat: What things?

Mermaid: I said dinner,phone calls, emails ...

Goat: What did you say? Didn't hear! 

Mermaid: Leave it... I didn't whisper anything....

Goat: Leave what?

Mermaid: Are you pulling my leg?

Goat: Leg or hair?

Mermaid: Which one do you prefer?

Goat: Soiled underwear.

Mermaid: That's not fair! It was about hair and leg...

Goat: Well then all three.

Mermaid: Like your thought.

Goat: What thought?

Mermaid: Leg,hair &soiled underwear.

Goat: Is that all?

Mermaid: Is that all? You tell me.

Mermaid: You're naughty!

Goat: Are you naughty?

Mermaid: Am I?

Goat: You tell me.

Mermaid: Tell you what?

Goat: I asked you already.

Goat: The pillow's smelling good.

Mermaid: You like it? That's my favourite!

Goat: What's your favourite?

Mermaid: Dune by Dior,I wore it yesterday.

Goat: You didn't tell me... are you naughty?

Mermaid: I don't know about the naughty bit, but right now I am insanely and wickedly turned on.

Goat: What are you going to do about it?

Mermaid: You tell me. It's you who's giving me this fuzzy feeling.

Goat: Me? Why?

Mermaid: I don't know. 

Mermaid: I am sorry.

Mermaid: Are you angry?

Goat: Sorry for what? I am not angry.

Goat: I am just as you are.

Goat: Do you want to have sex with me?

Mermaid: Would I sound sluttish if I said yes?

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